How To Make 4G Mobile Proxies

Abed Elezz
August 8, 2020



Why Build Our Own Mobile Proxy Network?​

In this article, we will teach you how to make your own 4G mobile proxy from scratch to be used for any purpose, Instagram, SEO, Sneakers, SMM, etc.

Making your own 4G mobile proxies is really the only way to ensure the quality of your proxy, especially in today's world where it's becoming much harder to use automation software thanks to new AI algorithms. Those algorithms are able to detect regular or data center proxies easily thanks to new Machine Learning technology. This technology works by recording the behavior of every account and every IP, then once it detects any sort of pattern it will analyze, and eventually, it will discover the proxy and block the IP and any account that uses it.

On top of that, it was already easy to detect regular data center proxies as they are all recorded in a public database called IP Whois. Using this database anyone can tell if an IP is used by a regular home or by a data center user, be it for web hosting, VPNs, or any other proxy. This new technology, in fact, renders even residential proxies useless as they will be easy to detect and block, depending on the type of automation software you're using.

We have all felt this recent shift in the industry as automation (The use of programs to automate internet tasks) became more difficult, even borderline impossible in extreme cases like with Shopify. This was made very clear by the recent ban waves and Google updates. It's become abundantly clear that internet companies have waged war on automation and any sort of scraping activities, therefore those who do not adapt shall perish.

It's not the end of the road though, just like internet companies can come up with new technologies, well so can automation experts. In recent years the term 4G proxy became more popular as these proxies were hailed as the father of all proxies. The best of the best. The greatest quality proxy money can buy, but is it true?

It absolutely is. 4G mobile proxies are a new concept that's just catching traction. 4G proxies and the technology these proxies can render almost any anti-botting algorithm useless for one simple reason. CGNAT.

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Why are mobile proxies so powerful?

CGNAT or Carrier Grade Nat is when a 4G mobile ISP or cellular network shares the same IPV4 address between multiple users. This is done to minimize the effects of IPV4 shortage and other reasons. Thanks to this technology, IP-based blocking which is used by websites such as Twitter and Reddit is rendered almost useless since blocking a single IP can block an entire section of a city, and internet companies know that very well.

What's even better is that since multiple real users are actively using the IP of the 4G mobile proxy, it makes it much harder to detect automated activity as your threads are literally blending between regular users.

It's not all blooms and flowers though. As with every new technology comes new challenges that must be addressed, and the challenges with this one are not easy or simple. For starters, it's exceptionally difficult to actually create 4G proxies as there was never such technology. This meant that the market could be monopolized by a few people which has made the prices of 4G mobile proxies skyrocket. A proxy costing $100 per month was unheard of before the 4G proxy era, but today it's the norm.

This difficulty and market monopoly have also brought another challenge. Fake or copycat proxies that are not 4G mobile proxies. This sadly is exceedingly common today where providers simply repurposed old data center proxies as 4G mobile proxies hoping the uninformed users fall for their trick.

The 4G proxy creation process is actually very simple now, mainly because we have it fully automated in a script, and unlike all those shady guides all over the internet, our script is guaranteed to work as we have been creating 4G mobile proxy scripts for years. In fact, the majority of 4G proxy farms around the world are directly or indirectly using some of our software.

In summary, 4G proxies are superior to all other proxies because:

  1. You own the proxy and you know nobody else will spam it.
  2. Regular users are using the same IP, so it's harder to distinguish it as a bot.
  3. Because a lot of users are using the same IP as your proxy, it's a lot less likely to get IP-banned.
  4. Even if you do get IP-banned, you can immediately change your IP using some of our plans.

Without further due, let's get started making 4G mobile proxies.

Hardware Needed for Making Mobile Proxies

We need 3 things to create our own 4G mobile proxy, those are:

  1. Raspberry Pi

A Raspberry Pi is an SBC, basically, it's a very small PC that runs Linux. It was created a few years ago by a British company to make development on Linux devices easier. We use Raspberry Pi because it's cheap and portable. Plus, it runs very well and rarely causes any issues.

You can only use Raspberry Pi 4B. Just make sure you get the 4 GB of RAM version. Anything more is overkill.

2. 4G Dongle

4G dongles, or USB modems as they're called in some countries, are little USB devices that allow us to connect to a mobile carrier's network through a SIM card. These have been around for about a decade now but they're not as popular as they used to be. We use 4G dongles to be the source of the 4G cellular connection. the 4G dongle is basically what makes our proxy a 4G proxy.

For the Proxidize 4G proxy script, we will need the Huawei E3372h. We picked this particular model because it's reliable, affordable, and available in every country. It's also very user-friendly and after testing dozens of different 4G dongles, we decide the E3372h is the best 4G dongle for creating 4G mobile proxies.

Something very important you must bear in mind is that you need to check the exact versions. Different countries around the world use different frequencies to operate their cellular network. This is because a 4G network cannot run on the same frequency as a 3G and so on.

If you're in Europe, Asia, Africa, or Oceania you can use these versions:

  1. Proxidize-153 dongle
  2. E3372h-153
  3. E3372h-607
  4. E3372h-320

If you're in North or South America, you can use these models:

  1. Proxidize-510 dongle
  2. E3372h-511
  3. E3372h-510

If you're in China, you can only use the E3372h-607 since China uses different cellular technology from the rest of the world.

3. Ethernet Cable

In order for our proxy to work we must be connected to a router, otherwise, we won't be able to connect to our proxy. This is one of the issues associated with cellular networks, or more specifically CGNAT. If you don't remember, CGNAT is basically the technology that allows mobile carriers to share an IP address between multiple users. This technology also prevents any port-specific inbound traffic, which means we cannot connect to our proxy using the 4G connection alone.

This is where the home router comes in handy, as once we connect the Raspberry Pi to our router we can connect to our proxy using it. There are methods to bypass this step like we have in the Proxidize Dongle - Enterprise plan or Proxidize Android, but we won't be getting into those in this tutorial.

Once you have the Ethernet cable and the rest of your hardware, you move to the next section.

Preparing The Hardware

Now that we have the hardware, we need to do some preparations and put everything together. These steps are very simple and require little to no time. Once we're done with these steps we can start with the proxy creation process, which is actually the easiest step as we have fully automated it with a script and it only takes 10-20 seconds.

Now, for preparing the hardware we need: 

  • Install Raspberry Pi OS

Raspberry Pi OS (Previously Raspbian OS) is a Linux operating system developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to be the main operating system for Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi OS is based on a very popular Linux distribution called Debian, which also has the same distribution that Ubuntu is based on, so if you've used Ubuntu before, using Raspberry Pi OS should be a breeze.

In fact, even if you've never used Linux before, installing Raspberry OS is a very simple and easy-to-follow process, it's even easier than installing Windows. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has a straightforward and easy to follow tutorial on this

Make sure to install Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop or Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop And Recommended Software. We can use the headless version (Raspberry Pi OS Lite) but that's only for advanced users.

Raspberry Pi for creating 4g proxies
  • Connect The Ethernet Cable

All you have to do is plug one end into your router and the other end into your Raspberry Pi Ethernet port. This is a crucial point that is essential to allowing us to connect to the proxy. Once connected, make sure to test your internet by opening a browser.

The reason we don't use WiFi here is because WiFi is unstable for our purpose and will cause us a lot of trouble. Especially if you're not right next to your router. This is mainly because the Raspberry Pi has no WiFi antenna which makes its WiFi capabilities relatively low.

  • Connect The 4G Dongle

Now that we have installed Raspberry Pi OS and plugged our Raspberry Pi into the router, we need to connect the 4G dongle to the Raspberry Pi. First, put your SIM card into the 4G dongle after making sure you have data in it, then connect the 4G dongle to any of the USB ports on the Raspberry Pi, it will make absolutely no difference whether you use the USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 ports.

If you like to be extra careful, you can test your 4G dongle before plugging it into the Raspberry Pi. If you plug it into a Windows or Mac OS machine it should automatically open a browser window and show the web dashboard, if it doesn't your 4G dongle is likely broken. On the 4G dongle's dashboard, you will be able to see your connection status and know if you have any cellular data or not.

4g dongle dashboard

Creating The 4G Proxy

We now have everything we need. We got the hardware and prepared everything, and the only thing left to do is actually create the 4G proxy. This is by far the easiest step as we have completely automated the process in an automated 4G proxy script.

Thanks to this 4G proxy script, the process of creating 4G proxies is extremely easy. All we have to do it:

  • Turn On The Raspberry Pi

Simply plug the power supply into the nearest outlet and you'll see the Green and Red lights flashing on the Raspberry Pi for a few seconds. It is preferred you only use a Raspberry Pi official power supply as regular charges won't be stable enough, but any power supply that can provide a constant 2.4 Amps over 5 Volts should be good enough.

You will know the Raspberry Pi is on when the Green light stops flashing and you can see the Raspberry Pi Desktop on your screen.

Raspberry Pi desktop is used for creating 4g mobile proxies

Open A Terminal Window

A terminal, or a terminal window is just a small program that allows us to run commands on the Raspberry Pi. You don't need to know any code as our 4G proxy script is completely automated.

The terminal is the main way to communicate with your machine, especially on Linux where the terminal is essential and the Desktop environment (GUI) is optional.

You can open a terminal or Raspberry Pi OS by clicking on the terminal icon in the top-left corner as shown below:

Run The Script

We have finished all the steps, and the only thing left to do is actually run the 4G proxy script by Proxidize which will automatically create a 4G proxy and do all the necessary configuration.

Just copy and paste this line of code into your terminal: (You paste in Raspberry Pi OS by Right-Click > Paste)

First, run the preparation script:

sudo rm ./prepare;wget;sudo bash ./prepare

Then, run the installation script:

sudo rm ./instal; wget;sudo chmod +x install;sudo ./install

Insert license key: "proxidize-free"

pi@raspberypi:~ $ wget;sudo bash ./free4g

Once you press "Enter" on your keyboard the installation will take 10-20 seconds or a little longer depending on your connection speed. The faster your router connection is, the faster the installation will be. Once the free Proxidize 4G proxy script is done, the terminal will output your newly created proxy:

My new 4G proxy that I just built is:

I can now use this proxy anywhere connected to my router knowing very well it's the best possible proxy quality there is. For testing the proxy we recommend you use Firefox as it's the easiest and most reliable way to test a proxy. There are dozens of plugins or browser extensions out there that allow for proxy testing but using Firefox doesn't require any extra installation.

And we're done! You've just created your very own 4G proxy, built from scratch all by yourself

Creating 4G Mobile Proxies in a Nutshell

In summary, here are the steps for creating a 4G proxy:

  1. Get a Raspberry Pi and 4G dongle
  2. Install Raspberry Pi OS
  3. Connect Ethernet Cable
  4. Connect the 4G SIM card
  5. Connect the 4G dongle to the Raspberry Pi
  6. Run the Proxidize 4G proxy creation script

This process might seem complicated or involved but once you do it for the first time, it's extremely simple!

Plus with any of the premium Proxidize plans you can easily scale this without much work, simply by connecting more 4G dongles to the same Raspberry Pi. You also get a lot of cool tools for managing the proxies such as a management dashboard.

The journey of creating proxies is never easy, but rest assured it is made a lot easier with Proxidize if you ever have any technical issues with any of our premium plans, our team of engineers is always available to help you with anything.

About the author
Abed Elezz
Abed is an inventor, author, developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder and inventor of Proxidize, one of the fastest growing companies in the proxy industry, and the author of PROXY KNOW, the leading proxy guidebook. Abed has also been developing closed and open source proxy solutions for a decade.
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